Legacies of Ancient Persia explores the multiplicity of legacies left by ancient Persia through interviews and round-table discussions with leading sc…
Dr. Rolf Strootman, a professor of Ancient History at the University of Utrecht, joins Lexie to discuss the complexities surrounding the Persian ident…
Dr. Eve MacDonald, an ancient historian and archaeologist at Cardiff University, joins Lexie to discuss the often-overlooked technological advancement…
Dr. Neville McFerrin, a professor of Art History at the University of North Texas, is interviewed by Charlotte Howley – a 2nd year PhD student in UCLA…
Dr. David Potter, a professor of Classics at the University of Michigan, joins Lexie to discuss the intriguing figure of Empress Theodora, the percept…
Dr. Mehrnoush Soroush, a professor of Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the University of Chicago, joins Lexie to discuss studying water hydraulics, wat…
Dr. Tawny Holm, a professor of Jewish Studies and Classics at Pennsylvania State University, joins Lexie to discuss the importance of Aramaic language…
This week we are joined by 5 Iranian Studies Graduate students: Emma Petersen, Charlotte Howley, James Scherrer, Ethan Friedland, and Hong Yu Chen. In…
Dr. Jonathan Winnerman, an Egyptologist, and Academic Administrator in Ancient Studies at UCLA, joins Lexie to discuss exploring aspects of sacred kin…
Dr. Touraj Daryaee, a professor of Iranian studies and director of the Dr. Samuel M. Jordan Center for Persian Studies and Culture at the University o…
Dr. Lara Fabian, a professor of Iranian archaeology at UCLA, joins Lexie to discuss how she came to archaeology from a solid career outside of academi…
Dr. Julian Degen, a research fellow and academic teacher at Trier University, joins Lexie to discuss assessing Alexander of Macedon as a statesman rat…
Dr. Robert Rollinger, a professor of ancient history and ancient Near Eastern studies at the University of Innsbruck, joins Lexie to discuss deconstru…
Dr. Marissa Stevens, the Assistant Director of the Pourdavoud Institute and an Egyptologist, joins Lexie to discuss how she developed an interest in c…
Dr. Christelle Fischer-Bovet, a professor of Classics, History, and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Southern California, joins Lexie to di…
Dr. Henry Colburn, a research associate of the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology at the University of Michigan and an adjunct faculty member at several ins…
Leyla Johnson, a Lebanese American video game developer specializing in historical strategy games and CEO of Mohawk Games, joins Lexie to discuss grow…
Dr. Kathleen Lynch, a professor of Classical Archaeology at the University of Cincinnati, joins Lexie to discuss how she got into studying ancient Ath…
Trevor Culley, creator and host of the History of Persia podcast, joins Lexie to discuss why he started a podcast on Persian history, what the writing…
Dr. Jake Nabel, a professor of Classics at Pennsylvania State University, joins Lexie to discuss and provide a short introduction to the Parthian empi…
Dr. Sara Cole, an antiquities curator at the J. Paul Getty Museum, joins Lexie to discuss her early interest in material culture and museums, her expe…
Dr. John Hyland, a professor of Ancient History at Christopher Newport University, joins Lexie to discuss the real relationship between Sparta and Per…
Dr. Daniel Potts, a professor of Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology and History at New York University’s Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (I…