Legacies of Ancient Persia

Legacies of Ancient Persia explores the multiplicity of legacies left by ancient Persia through interviews and round-table discussions with leading sc…
May 30th, 2024 | 1:02:43

Episode 18: Graduate Student Roundtable Discussion

This week we are joined by 5 Iranian Studies Graduate students: Emma Petersen, Charlotte Howley, James Scherrer, Ethan Friedland, and Hong Yu Chen. In this episode, they sat down with guest host Dr. Marissa Stevens to discuss their research and the state of the field. We hope you enjoy this episode, and if you like what you hear, please give our show a 5-star rating, and review us on Apple or Spotify. Don't forget to follow the Pourdavoud Institute on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram or visit our website www.pourdavoud.ucla.edu! Learn more about Dr. Marissa Stevens: https://pourdavoud.ucla.edu/person/marissa-stevens/ Find our students on the Department of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures website: Emma: https://nelc.ucla.edu/person/emma-peterson/ Charlotte: https://nelc.ucla.edu/person/charlotte-howley/ Ethan: https://nelc.ucla.edu/person/ethan-friedland/ Hong: https://nelc.ucla.edu/person/hong-chen/ Recorded & edited by Lexie Henning, original music by Brent Arehart, and artwork by Hadley Leasman.