The Devoted Podcast is part of the Women’s Ministry at Athey Creek Church. Join us as we discuss what it means to be a woman devoted to God and His Wo…
Hey ladies! Our podcast is on a break for the month of December, but here is a replay of our November 2024 Devoted Live, where Amy McReynolds is joine…
Throughout history, people have asked, 'Who am I?'—a question we still grapple with as women today. In our September 2024 Devoted Live study, we'll ex…
"For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, "in returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength." - I…
We live in a quotable “Hallmark” world that tells us our emotions are the most important. Today, Amy looks at how the world champions our emotions and…
Here's when we gals love to share ALL the drama, but what does the Word remind and command us to do in this area? Lots of scripture here to steer us i…
The world has taken a subjective phrase and moved it to the objective -- "You do YOU." Today Amy looks at ways that this phrase has affected us cultur…
We love to control things and, in the end, it likely comes down to our understanding of authority and whether we are truly submitted to God and His Wo…
The world says "Love is love" but without a source of truth in their definition, there has been a domino effect on culture and marriage. Today Amy loo…
We need to keep our discernment muscle strong. Music, movies, books, yoga—there is so much that we need to discern what is good and get rid of what is…
In today's Bible Bite Amy looks at being under attack and recognizing just who is behind that. BUT take heart, the LORD is near. Be encouraged by some…
Here's a special podcast today to bring us back to the Word in these troubled days. It's easy to get upset and anxious when things go awry in the worl…
Spiritual formation, contemplative prayer, centering prayer, the enneagram, manifesting -- the church today if filled with spiritual sounding terms bu…
Today Amy is joined by Sarah Price, who shares what God has done in her life through her struggle with infertility. They talk about who God is and how…
Today Amy is joined by Lisa Berg. Lisa is currently the Mission Director of Three Angels Haiti and has served in different facets and in varying seaso…
New Mercies is our yearly event where we gather together for fellowship, worship and the Word. Amy McReynolds shares what the Lord had placed on her h…
In a follow up to the Devoted Live Fall Panel, Amy and Becca sit down to cover more of your questions on modesty, devo time, depression, building rela…
Happy Thanksgiving! Today we wanted to get back to what Thanksgiving is REALLY all about. Amy walks us through some of the history of Thanksgiving but…
Remember when knowing right and wrong was a common understanding? It feels like we have lost our way on so many levels but the Word is always our guid…
In this Devoted Live episode, Amy talks about what it looks like to have a biblical worldview. How should we live? We should be living separate from t…
Some gals are looking for someone to mentor them and others are wondering if they should be the mentor. Maybe you have no idea what either of those th…
Idolatry might seem like something that ancient peoples of the Bible struggled with, but it might surprise you to find it lurking in your own life. To…
You are going to love this one! Today Amy is joined by Casey Meador, a public school teacher. Casey gives some great encouragement for teachers, paren…
Judy Slaughter, a sinner saved by grace, doing the very thing she thought she would hate, but instead it is a huge blessing in her life. She joins Amy…
Our feelings are tricky and when they are deciding our stance on biblical truth they can be wrong. Today Amy continues the cultural Christian series b…
Amy and Debbie Meador cover some questions submitted by you. From unbiblical gentle parenting to navigating the older years, they discuss the Biblical…
Amy sits with Debbie Meador, wife of Pastor Brett Meador, to discuss the charge that Christian moms have according to the Word. Influence from the wor…
Buckle up, ladies! Today Amy looks at the craze of popular music and how Scripture challenges us and should purify us to live not in conformity to the…
Today Amy chats about parenting with her husband Chris. What should the role of work look like for our kids at various ages and how can we raise godly…
What does REAL Biblical encouragement look like? Today Amy is joined by Becca Frost as they look at what encouragement is not and biblically what it i…
Amy, Debbie and Sharon sat down after the conclusion of the Renewed Conference to cover a recap of the conference sessions and a continuation of the q…
Today Amy wraps up the Beautiful Design Series with a look at what we do now. How has the Lord used this series in your life? Send us an email at devo…
In our 5th episode of the Beautiful Design series Amy goes back to Genesis to look at what Eve might say to us today about who we are and some warning…
We are half-way through the Beautiful Design Series and Amy got a chance to sit down with Pastor Brett to talk about the Bible and the authority of sc…
Today Amy is joined by Alisa Childers -- speaker, author of Another Gospel, host of the Alisa Childers podcast, apologist -- to talk about progressive…
Today Amy is joined by senior pastor, Brett Meador, to talk about Women's Ministry at Athey Creek, as well as the importance of following the instruct…
Being a mom is work but the Word encourages us to not grow weary. Today Amy looks at obedience and our charge as moms to train up our kids to obey par…
Pastor Gabe Carter from Athey Creek Christian Fellowship joins Amy today to dig into what we mean by Interpretation of Scripture. It's so important to…
Today Amy is joined by Kimberly Smith with a powerful story of how regardless of what we have done or what has been done to us our marriage is never b…
These are some tough days and it's easy to feel tired and unsure of how to fight the daily battle. Today Amy looks at Ephesians 6 and how we can STAND…
Amy is joined by Pastor Gabe Carter from Athey Creek Christian Fellowship to look at I Timothy 2:8-15 and continue the conversation on what the God ha…
Culture has given us a skewed perspective on individual roles and identity as women. We want to look at what scripture says and ground ourselves in th…