Be You with BU

Welcome to the BU Podcast, hosted by entrepreneur, CEO, and biohacker Brian Underwood! On this podcast you'll find just in time training from a mix…
Jun 2nd, 2021 | 08:16

Are You Hungry?

-------------------- In this Episode, I talk about going for greatness. A lot of people don't become successful, not for lack of trying, but because they keep playing by someone else's rules. Give yourself permission to be misunderstood. Be an outsider! Stop conforming your actions to what seems “reasonable.” Be different! The reality is, if you want to do something truly great, you have to be obsessed and maybe a little crazy. Forget the rules! Because when your dreams seem absurd to most people, that should tell you you're probably headed in the right direction. I hope this episode reminds you that if you want to be great, you're probably going to get laughed at along the way. Connect with me on social @brianundy Text me! 502-221-9798