Agency Nation Radio

Agency Nation is the leading digital publication helping insurance professionals dominate marketing, sales and technology in the modern marketplace.
Jul 5th, 2018 | 22:00

Is the Competition Getting the Best of You?

You might have no clue just how easy it is to make sure that never happens.

All you have to be willing to do is say something (anything) about them before they do about you.

That shouldn't be that hard because it's certainly an idea that 99 percent of businesses are uncomfortable with.

However, once you realize just how powerful it is and how little you have to say, there's a good chance you accept it.

That's what I talked to Sean Halpin, of MJH Insurance, about as he tries to iron out the wrinkles in his competition grabbing strategy.

P.S. The Agency Nation newsletter will help you stay far away from your competition, you should try it.