Women Want Strong Men

Welcome to the Women Want Strong Men podcast. I’m your host Amy Stuttle. I believe it takes a strong man to appreciate a strong woman and I’m here t…
Mar 4th, 2022 | 07:17

Defend Your Masculinity and Fertility - Fifteen on a Friday

This is Fifteen on a Friday where I break down a hot topic in under 15 minutes!

On today’s podcast we are going to be discussing what is killing masculinity and fertility? We are covering everything from suppressed hormone levels to shrinking penis size and how we are lowering our standards on what it means to be a man these days.

Links supporting discussion: 

Urology Times: Testosterone levels show steady decrease among young US men

Forbes: You're Not The Man Your Father Was


Check out Victory Men’s Health and connect on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram.

The information discussed in this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and it is for informational purposes only. 








Podcast: Women Want Strong Men

Episode: Fifteen on a Friday - Defend Your Masculinity and Fertility  

In under 15 minutes Amy Stuttle breaks down what is killing masculinity and fertility. She start with biological factors first. Male testosterone levels and sperm counts have taken a drastic decline and it has plagued men in America for several decades now. The average male’s testosterone level has been declining at an astonishing rate of at least 1 percent every year since the 1980s. It is not the result of a natural decrease due to aging. According to the Urology Times total testosterone has been consistently decreasing in young men. In 2000 the avg total T level 605.39 ng/dL.  2003 567.44 ng/dL. 2012 424.96.  Your dad had higher testosterone levels than you do at your age right now.

She then explains how In July of 2017, LabCorp, changed its reference range for total testosterone levels. They lowered the reference range by about 100ng/dl to accommodate a growing population that is now more obese and has lower testosterone levels than ever before.

Moving on to sperm count she explains that when testosterone levels drops so does sperm count.  Scientists and doctors are witnessing an absolute free fall in sperm counts over the last several decades. Dr. Shanna Swan, an environmental and reproductive epidemiologist and author of a book called Countdown, finds that sperm counts have dropped almost 60% since 1973. Following the trajectory we are on, Swan’s research suggests sperm counts could reach zero by 2045.

Links supporting discussion: 

Urology Times: Testosterone levels show steady decrease among young US men

Forbes: You're Not The Man Your Father Was


Check out Victory Men’s Health and connect on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram.

The information discussed in this podcast is not designed to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any condition and it is for informational purposes only.