Women Want Strong Men

Welcome to the Women Want Strong Men podcast. I’m your host Amy Stuttle. I believe it takes a strong man to appreciate a strong woman and I’m here t…
Apr 21st, 2022 | 25:27

Testosterone FAQ's - Part 1

Today’s show is with returning guest, Anna Griffith, DNP a nurse practitioner at Victory Men’s Health. The topic of the show is FAQs about testosterone therapy.

FAQ’s covered are:

How soon will I start to feel better?

Should I cycle on and off of testosterone?

Is testosterone a form of birth control?

Can I still have children while on testosterone?

Will my testicular size shrink?

What are bio-identical hormones?

Pellets? Creams? Injections?

Do I have to be on testosterone for the rest of my life?

Will testosterone make me moody?

Does testosterone cause prostate cancer?

Research Links to Support Discussion: 

Testosterone Is a Contraceptive and Should Not Be Used in Men Who Desire Fertility

Human chorionic gonadotropin therapy in hypogonadic severe-oligozoospermic men and its effect on semen parameters

Gonadotropin therapy in men with isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: the response to human chorionic gonadotropin is predicted by initial testicular size

Evaluation and Management of Testosterone Deficiency (2018)

Understanding Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

T therapy safe in large prostate Ca series

Today’s show was with returning guest, Anna Griffith, DNP a nurse practitioner at Victory Men’s Health. The topic of the show is commonly asked FAQs about testosterone therapy.

FAQ’s covered are:

Can I increase my testosterone naturally?

Should I cycle on and off of it?

Is testosterone a form of birth control?

Can I still have children while on testosterone?

Will my testicular size shrink?

What are bio-identical hormones?

Pellets? Creams? Injections?

Do I have to be on testosterone for the rest of my life?

Will testosterone make me moody?

Does testosterone cause prostate cancer?

Testosterone Is a Contraceptive and Should Not Be Used in Men Who Desire Fertility

Human chorionic gonadotropin therapy in hypogonadic severe-oligozoospermic men and its effect on semen parameters

Gonadotropin therapy in men with isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: the response to human chorionic gonadotropin is predicted by initial testicular size

Evaluation and Management of Testosterone Deficiency (2018)

Understanding Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

T therapy safe in large prostate Ca series