Uplift: A Podcast about the Transformative Power of Design

Great design can boost the performance of entire organizations and the creativity of individuals—but it’s also a tool to support healthier, more meani…
Jan 16th, 2024 | 31:57

Are You Prepared? Design Strategies to Mitigate the Next Pandemic.

Covid-19 is the most significant global health event to take place in our lifetime. While the emergency and public health declarations officially expired in 2023, healthcare organizations still contend with the pandemic’s fallout: seasonal spikes in transmission, financial pressures and staffing shortages. What’s more, large pandemics are statistically more likely to occur than we once thought. But there is a hopeful path forward—lessons learned since 2020 inform how to better design hospitals to respond to future pandemics, with an increased focus on infection control, flexibility, adaptability, and resources to protect caregivers’ mental health.  On this episode, we’re joined by Dr. Adrian Cotton, MD, Chief of Medical Operations at Loma Linda University Medical Center; Dr. Michael Phillips, MD, Chief Hospital Epidemiologist and Associate Director for Clinical Services for the Division of Infectious Diseases and Immunology at NYU Langone Health; and NBBJ’s Bryan Langlands. We’ll talk about their experiences during the pandemic—both personal and professional, lessons learned and how to better plan for the future.