Today's Heartlift with Janell

Sometimes the story we tell ourselves is not really true. Sometimes the story others tell about us is not really true. On "Today's Heartlift with Jane…
May 20th, 2021 | 40:43

Becoming Stronger Through Daily Declarations

Our guest today, Margaret Feinberg, Author of "More Power to You: Declarations to Break Free from Fear and Take Back Your Life," writes, "We are all storytellers, and I rehearsed the narrative that if I stopped working hard--in school, at college, as a writer--then everything would disintegrate. Including me. Soon I interpreted every failure and misstep as further proof that I would never be good enough. Perhaps you, too, have sensed the pangs of not being good enough...Today is the day to break free from the unrealistic standards you've been striving to achieve. Declare the words, 'I am God's beloved child in whom he is well pleased.'" In our vibrant conversation, Margaret shares a 90-second daily challenge that changed her life. I believe it will change yours, too.