Today's Heartlift with Janell

Sometimes the story we tell ourselves is not really true. Sometimes the story others tell about us is not really true. On "Today's Heartlift with Jane…
Feb 1st, 2023 | 1:00:57

Let Your Heart Speak

What does it mean to let your heart speak?
Heartlifters, this episode with Author and Graphic Recorder, Sherrill Knezel, went long, but every second of this remarkable conversation is filled with life-giving, heartlifting wisdom. Sherrill's story speaks of courage, strength, openness, flexibility, and a remarkable belief in her gifts and talents and images what it means to let your life and heart speak. Her new book, "Heart Speak, A Visual Interpretation of Let Your Life Speak "(by Parker J. Palmer), includes more than seventy heartfelt images to go along with excerpts from Palmer's book, "Let Your Life Speak." Heart Speak pairs these images with brief personal reflections. Sherrill invites us to explore and embrace our own limits and potential as we listen to our innate courage.

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