Today's Heartlift with Janell

Sometimes the story we tell ourselves is not really true. Sometimes the story others tell about us is not really true. On "Today's Heartlift with Jane…
Dec 8th, 2022 | 49:19

Returning to Childlike Faith in Our Everyday Lives, Part 1

Rachel Dodge, Author of "The Anne of Green Gables Devotional," and the new, upcoming "The Secret Garden Devotional," invites each of us to take the time this Advent Season to nurture our childlike faith. In Part 1, she shares and encourages us to dream and experience faith like the charming Anne of Green Gables and to remember what it is like to experience God in nature. She also challenges us with a beautiful new reading from "The Secret Garden Devotional," in which Mary of Misslewhaite Manor "fights with the wind."

Links + Resources from this Episode:

So excited that the podcast has been voted in the Top 100 Mental Health Podcasts on Feedspot:





