The Building BITE

Welcome to The Building BITE – a podcast for construction Contractors, Owners and Insurance professionals, who want to learn from the industry experts…
Jun 17th, 2024 | 45:59

The Building BITE: Safety Captives, What They Are and How They Work

Please tune in to this episode of The Building BITE Podcast, as we hear from industry experts about key topics to help you be successful. The Building BITE hosts Chris Epps, LEED AP and Mike Diercksen, CRIS, welcome Terence Curran, Chief Operating Officer with the Amphibious Group. We begin the episode by discussing the various stops along Terence’s professional career, starting with his passion for helping the community as an EMT. Terence quickly saw an opportunity with Amphibious Medics, where he has since helped to expand the company, and is now COO of the Amphibious Group. Terence takes the time to walk us through his newest venture which is the creation of a Safety Captive Program, and leaves our audience with three key takeaways. 1. Robust Safety Programs Are Not Just For The Big GCs: There are options that exist out there for true robust safety programs. Never settle for the status quo and look for opportunities to innovate and join like minded groups such as a safety captive to help you get where you want to be. 2. Time To Dust Off Your Safety Manual: It should not be taken for granted that your safety manual has everything you need if you are not continuously reviewing and updating it. There is no such thing as being too prepared, so be sure to make the time with your team to get consistently together and update your safety program. 3. Work With Your Team: Make sure to utilize the resources that are available to you with either your broker or carrier as the ideal options. There may be solutions that they are aware of that would greatly benefit your business. To learn more about how you can better prepare your firm for the opportunities ahead, listen to our full podcast episode with Terence on “Safety Captives, What They Are and How They Work” Please like, share, and subscribe to this podcast!