The Building BITE

Welcome to The Building BITE – a podcast for construction Contractors, Owners and Insurance professionals, who want to learn from the industry experts…
Mar 14th, 2022 | 21:43

The Building BITE: Navigating the Current Landscape of Supply Chain Disruption Through the Lens of a Corporate Insurance Manager

Please tune in to this episode of The Building BITE Podcast, as we hear from industry experts about key topics to help you be successful. The Building BITE hosts Valerie Bono and Mike Diercksen, CRIS, welcome Inga Mackereth, CPA, Corporate Insurance Manager at Hourigan Construction. Inga opens the show sharing her background in accounting and passion for taxes. Inga, a boomerang employee, joined Hourigan as a Project Administration, then left to join a small CPA firm. She returned to Hourigan, where she now leads as their Corporate Insurance Manager. She shares her role and Hourigan’s approach to the current market environment, including their holistic approach to preconstruction, material tracking program through construction, and their educating of Owners to understand how the state of the market may impact schedules. At Hourigan, the team is a valued partner and trusted adviser to their Owners. They offer their Owners solutions so that they do not just weather the storm of supply chain disruptions but emerge better positioned. Inga shares her three lessons learned from the current state of the market, which includes: 1. Plan, Plan, Plan: No matter how many times we try, it is impossible to predict the future. Understanding your internal process and project goals thoroughly helps to streamline success and reduce miscommunication. When the challenges are understood, project teams are empowered to identify and remedy these issues with speed and precision. 2. Be Forward Thinking: Success is a mindset. A suggested method to reach that mindset is to challenge ourselves constantly to think critically and understand what challenges lie ahead. Inga states that “We always need to have someone in steps 5-10, and not just 1, 2,3. That way, when we look ahead and plan forward, we can try to eliminate those instances that happen that throw the project for a loop.” 3. Be a Leader and a Team Player: By enlisting the help of all parties involved, Inga shares how miscommunication can be avoided and ensure that proper expectations are set for both the project team and the owners. To learn more about these predictions through the lens of our expert, listen to our full podcast episode with Inga Mackereth, Navigating the Current Landscape of Supply Chain Disruption Through the Lens of a Corporate Insurance Manager. Please like, share, and subscribe to this podcast!