The Building BITE

Welcome to The Building BITE – a podcast for construction Contractors, Owners and Insurance professionals, who want to learn from the industry experts…
Jan 29th, 2024 | 25:22

The Building BITE: Technology, Driving Change in Underwriting

Please tune in to this episode of The Building BITE Podcast, as we hear from industry experts about key topics to help you be successful. The Building BITE hosts Chris Epps, LEED AP and Mike Diercksen, CRIS, welcome Bret Bush, Co-Founder and EVP at Insight Risk. We begin the episode by discussing Bret’s professional career, where he had great exposure to the Construction Insurance Industry while working as a broker, a GC, and now as a carrier/tech. partner. We then discuss the journey that led Bret to Insight Risk, and the water mitigation technology that he and his team have created. Bret then shares some of his experience within the technology and Builders Risk Market where he leaves our audience with the following takeaways: 1. Get Ahead of Mandates: Simply put, the construction industry is looking at future legislation that will make some of these technologies mandatory and critical to your success. Look to jump ahead of your competition and explore these new technologies as an early adopter rather than a reluctant one. 2. Find a Partner: It is far easier to go down this path when you have a partner, so don’t be afraid to reach out to your vendor/broker partners who could help you identify technology programs that would benefit you and your team. By utilizing this partnership, you can draw from greater experience, and leverage industry knowledge to help you be successful. 3. Try Different Technologies: There are so many different tools and systems out there right now and it’s best not to put all your eggs in one basket. Do your homework and be sure to share your experience with your risk management team. This should lead you to becoming a better more self-aware insured which if communicated effectively to your broker and carrier partners could help you achieve better policy language and reduced premiums. To learn more about how you can better prepare your firm for the opportunities ahead, listen to our full podcast episode with Bret on “Technology, Driving Change in Underwriting” Please like, share, and subscribe to this podcast! Links: Connect with Bret Bush View Insight Risk’s website at Insight Risk Connect with Chris Epps Connect with Mike Diercksen