The Building BITE

Welcome to The Building BITE – a podcast for construction Contractors, Owners and Insurance professionals, who want to learn from the industry experts…
May 28th, 2024 | 35:27

The Building BITE: Maximizing Owners Operations Efficiency Through Construction Technology

Please tune in to this episode of The Building BITE Podcast, as we hear from industry experts about key topics to help you be successful. The Building BITE host Mike Diercksen, CRIS, welcomes Nick Caravella, AIA, NCARB, NOMA, Director of Growth and Industry Strategy at Avicado Construction Technology Services. We begin the episode by discussing Nick’s professional career. He initially started working as an Architect out in Denver Colorado but found himself feeling compelled to elevate the industry at large. To do so, Nick joined Avicado where he helps streamline owners’ technology integration with various industry stakeholders and ultimately enhances the world of design and construction. Before we wrap up the conversation, Nick leaves us with three key takeaways. 1. There Is No Substitute for Good Planning: 95% of the industry data currently being collected is unstructured, meaning there is no clear-cut plan for how to optimize that data. Take the time to get ahead of the curve by reviewing your data and creating a road map for the “how” and the “why”. This will pay dividends when AI and other automations become even larger fixtures within the construction and design industry. 2. Who Else Needs to be at the Table? Nothing in the Construction and Design Industry happens in a vacuum, and while deadlines are tight, it is important to look around and make sure you are bringing in the right people. Seeking input from various stakeholders in the project along with industry experts will help you troubleshoot a wide range of problems before they happen, while keeping your team within their areas of expertise. 3. Ask How My Work Impacts Your Work: Whether your focus is on BIM or a specific trade, it is important to understand the impact your work has on those around you. Taking the time to communicate your process and understand the work of those around you will ultimately lead to better handoffs and reduce potential bottlenecks on the project. To learn more about how you can better prepare your firm for the opportunities ahead, listen to our full podcast episode with Nick on “Maximizing Owners Operations Efficiency Through Construction Technology.” Please like, share, and subscribe to this podcast!