The Building BITE

Welcome to The Building BITE – a podcast for construction Contractors, Owners and Insurance professionals, who want to learn from the industry experts…
Mar 18th, 2024 | 30:36

The Building BITE: Mass Timber, An Evolution In Sustainable Construction

Please tune in to this episode of The Building BITE Podcast, as we hear from industry experts about key topics to help you be successful. The Building BITE host Mike Diercksen, CRIS, welcomes Arnie Didier, Co-Founder and COO of Forest Business Network. We begin the episode by discussing Arnie’s professional career, where he had great insight into the logging industry and leveraged his knowledge to grow and develop what is now an international Mass Timber Conference. We look to better understand the opportunities offered within Mass Timber and how the conference provides a multitude of tracks and education opportunities for the industry's various stakeholders. As always, our guest leaves us with their three key takeaways: 1. Sustainability: It has become clear that the need to find sustainable building practices is here to stay. There is a true need within our industry to lead by example and be part of the solution rather than being left behind waiting for someone else to lead. 2. The Numbers Need to Make Sense: The proof is in the pudding, and we now have enough completed Mass Timber structures to validate that the numbers do in fact make sense. From small developments to twenty-five story buildings, we can now point to specific examples in the market where these projects provided cost effective and desirable solutions. 3. The Only Constant is Change: Change is happening in our industry, and we see great examples of that, specifically within the residential building market. With greater market visibility and success, we believe this will continue to drive additional industry-wide changes, leading to more mass timber projects. To learn more about how you can better prepare your firm for the opportunities ahead, listen to our full podcast episode with Bret on “Mass Timber, An Evolution In Sustainable Construction.”