The Veritas Forum

At the Veritas Forum, we believe we were made to seek truth and be changed by it. We are a community of students, faculty, campus ministers, and more,…
Feb 23rd, 2023 | 49:08

What's the value of truth? | Meghan Sullivan & Katja Vogt

In today's world of misinformation and misrepresentation, it's wise to be skeptical. But has our skepticism gone too far? What does it look like to not only refute what is false — but also to follow what is true?

In this episode, hear from two philosophy professors, Dr. Meghan Sullivan of Notre Dame and Dr. Katja Vogt of Columbia University. Their conversation from April 2022 draws from philosophers like Aristotle and Plato, and they discuss how truth can be appreciated and acted upon, what it means to pursue truth together, and how rediscovering the value of truth just might make our lives and society better.