Plenty For Everyone

Join Jennifer Mulholland and Jeff Shuck, the co-leaders of Plenty, as they talk with conscious leaders like you to explore abundance in work and life,…
Mar 22nd, 2023 | 47:42

Episode 41: The Light Within You

We talk to leaders all the time who are looking for a way to upgrade their skill and unlock a new level of performance. But how does that kind of transformation actually happen?   In 2016, Dr. Wayne Combs was in transition. At the crossroads of his career, he knew he was ready for something more – but what? What exactly was he looking for?   That summer, Wayne attended Plenty's inaugural Lantern Leadership Retreat in Park City, Utah. Through the experience, he found a new sense of self taking a fresh look at his purpose – one he still use to this day as the Associate VP of Operations & Administrative Services for CHOC Children's Foundation and  professor at USC's Rossier School of Education.   In today's episode, we talk with Wayne and ask him reflect on the breakthroughs he experienced, how he aligned his soul's calling with his professional work, and how he continues his pursuits as a lifelong learner.    We were touched by this conversation and Wayne's incredible depth of passion. We hope it sets you out on your own transformative journey!