Plenty For Everyone

Join Jennifer Mulholland and Jeff Shuck, the co-leaders of Plenty, as they talk with conscious leaders like you to explore abundance in work and life,…
Nov 28th, 2023 | 1:40:05

Episode 50: 10 Things We’ve Learned in 10 Years

It's hard for us to believe, yet amazing for us to celebrate: Today, Plenty is ten years old! Yahoo! All month long, we're going to be sharing our gratitude, our lessons learned, and our dreams for what comes next. We're thrilled to start that with today's episode of the Plenty for Everyone podcast – which also happens to mark another great milestone, episode 50.   Plenty was founded on Thanksgiving of 2013, an auspicious day for a company built on the idea of helping people see the abundance all around them and within them. Since then, we've had the privilege of working with incredible individuals and businesses, helping them grow consciously and holistically. During that time, our work has morphed, changed, contracted, and expanded, often in surprising and always in fulfilling ways. The journey hasn't always been easy, but we wouldn't change what we've created, who we've worked with, and what we've learned. Now, as we celebrate our tenth birthday on Giving Tuesday 2023 – another auspicious day and another wonderful synchronicity – we invite you to come along with us as we meander, talk, and reminisce about the ten lessons that have shaped us and how we serve.