Plenty For Everyone

Join Jennifer Mulholland and Jeff Shuck, the co-leaders of Plenty, as they talk with conscious leaders like you to explore abundance in work and life,…
Jul 14th, 2020 | 44:45

Growing For Good

It's easy to be a leader when times are good — but when times are tough, the true measure of one's leadership is revealed. For the last 225 years, Jim Beam, one of America's oldest companies, has grown through historically tough seasons, including past pandemics, wars won and lost, and the Great Depression. How? By putting people and purpose before profit. In today's episode with talk with longtime client and friend Tom Bufalino of the James B. Beam Distilling Company on how he and his team work to combine growth with doing good — and how they've used Meridian, Plenty's strategic process, to amplify both. It's a lively, energetic conversation with one of our favorite people. Come join us!