The Manufacturing Employer

The Manufacturing Employer is a podcast built for the hiring managers, HR pros and culture builders at industrial companies. It’s hosted by Gorilla 76…
Jun 26th, 2023 | 36:50

Doing the next right thing, with Jim Nardulli of PASCO

On this episode, we have Jim Nardulli, Chief Operating Officer at PASCO, a fascinating company in St. Louis, Missouri providing intelligent robotic automation solutions. I met Jim this past May, when my business partner Joe Sullivan and I stopped by his facility for a tour. I was fascinated…and not just by the technology. The minute I walked in, I could feel the culture of the company. Throw in no office doors, retention rates that are off the charts, and being genuinely impressed by the kindness of everyone I met, as soon as I got in my truck, I thought to myself “I need to get Jim on the show.” His work experience is fascinating and ranges from being a partner in the restaurant business in Denver to running a company at the forefront of the manufacturing tech curve in St. Louis.