Jun 10th, 2021 |
Three Ways Online Clubs Will Benefit Kids This Summer
Join Stride K12 this summer as they offer clubs, weekly challenges, and summer camps. Learn the "Three Ways Online Clubs Benefit Kids" with special guest, Freddie Gonzalez, Stride's Customer Experience Director. We discuss details of the events and how to how to find the sign-up information. Join us all summer in the Stride online community, and go on to participate in the opportunities offered throughout the coming school year.
For current and newly enrolled families, the information to attend your tuition-free activities is located in the Announcement Section of the Online School.
Find a K12 school in your state here: http://bit.ly/K12SchoolFinder. Learn more about resources available to parents and students here: http://bit.ly/ParentAndStudentResources.
Visit http://bit.ly/K12SummerPrograms for more information about summer program offerings.
You can also email for more information: clubs@k12.com
Ways to Beat the Summer Slide:
Students enrolled in the 2021-2022 school year have access to an engaging online summer program called BRAIN BOOST. This complimentary enrichment program is full of educational content for rising k-12th graders.
* Access a virtual reading library with Stride K12 Digital Literacy Solutions--Big Universe (raising K-12th graders)
*Earn coins playing fun math and language arts games with Stride Academy, Space Coaster, and Koofu's Quest (rising K-8th graders)
*Develop independent thinking, build healthy habits, and spark creativity with daily challenges (rising 6-12th graders)
*Build connections with their online learning community through discussion boards (rising 6-12 graders)
*Become inspired by videos of people sharing stories about how they achieved success (rising 6012th graders)
Summer Fun, something for EveryONE!
Tuition-Free Camps, Courses, and Programs
#StrideServes - Alex's Lemonade Stand
Live Art Contest Reveal - Monday, June 14 @1PM ET
Photo Contest June These is Water
Virtual CookOff - Calling all Master Chefs (enrolled 6th-12th grade)
Playful Intro to Coding with Coach Newton (Open to all in grades 3-7)
Teach for America - Live academic enrichment for elementary, middle and high school students (access through OLS (Online School)
Learning LiftOff - Wealth of great ideas, resources, games, and information at LearningLifeOff.com
Find resources for all these and more on your school's FB page. Be sure you "LIKE" us and visit often!