Food Biz Wiz

Launching, growing, and scaling a packaged product in the food industry is daunting - from understanding production, incubator kitchens, and co-packin…
Jan 25th, 2024 | 46:46

229. [Is It Worth It, Charlie?] Defining Business Success Beyond the Numbers

Download the Food Biz Wiz Listener Guide and make the most out of our 250 episode library! Get our curated playlists of top episodes on sales pitches, wholesale buyers, founder mindset, marketing, and more. Fast track your learning by downloading our free Listener Guide HERE.


We are back with our first “Is It Worth It, Charlie?” episode of 2024, with Karen Hetz. Karen is the Chief Happiness Officer of Kids’ Cake Boxes and she joins Charlie to discuss how she can decide what’s next for her business on the heels of her business’ third anniversary. Tune in to hear more about…


  • What questions we can ask ourselves to orient how we move forward
  • Why looking back at our original “why” can inform our future
  • How we can rethink what it means to be successful in business and why pivoting and “failure” isn’t an inherently negative thing!


We’d love to hear what resonated most with you from this episode, wizes! Connect with us via Instagram or LinkedIn at the links in our full show notes HERE. You can also check out more on Karen and Kids’ Cake Boxes.


This episode is sponsored by our Retail Ready® Masterclass! If you listened into this episode and wanted to be part of a supportive CPG community AND have Charlie’s insights on your biz challenges, then Retail Ready® is the perfect place for you. Check out our Masterclass for our actionable tips to increase YOUR sales in Q1, plus hear more about joining us in Retail Ready®. Click here to sign up for a time to watch our Masterclass!


Download the Food Biz Wiz Listener Guide and make the most out of our 250 episode library! Get our curated playlists of top episodes on sales pitches, wholesale buyers, founder mindset, marketing, and more. Fast track your learning by downloading our free Listener Guide HERE.


We are back with our first “Is It Worth It, Charlie?” episode of 2024, with Karen Hetz. Karen is the Chief Happiness Officer of Kids’ Cake Boxes and she joins Charlie to discuss how she can decide what’s next for her business on the heels of her business’ third anniversary. Tune in to hear more about…


  • What questions we can ask ourselves to orient how we move forward
  • Why looking back at our original “why” can inform our future
  • How we can rethink what it means to be successful in business and why pivoting and “failure” isn’t an inherently negative thing!


We’d love to hear what resonated most with you from this episode, wizes! Connect with us via Instagram or LinkedIn at the links in our full show notes HERE. You can also check out more on Karen and Kids’ Cake Boxes.


This episode is sponsored by our Retail Ready® Masterclass! If you listened into this episode and wanted to be part of a supportive CPG community AND have Charlie’s insights on your biz challenges, then Retail Ready® is the perfect place for you. Check out our Masterclass for our actionable tips to increase YOUR sales in Q1, plus hear more about joining us in Retail Ready®. Click here to sign up for a time to watch our Masterclass!