Food Biz Wiz

Launching, growing, and scaling a packaged product in the food industry is daunting - from understanding production, incubator kitchens, and co-packin…
Jan 16th, 2020 | 42:56

25. Crowdsourcing 101: How to Launch & Execute A Successful Kickstarter Campaign

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Today’s episode is all about launching and executing successful crowdsourcing campaigns. Join my guest, Courtney Boyd Myers (CMB) as she shares her secrets on her most recent successful Kickstarter for her kelp jerky brand, Akua. In today’s show, CMB covers:


  • How to determine whether or not crowdsourcing is right for your brand
  • Her steps to planning & launching your campaign
  • Why the first 24 hours of your campaign are the most important
  • The most common mistakes she sees food businesses make as they wrap up their crowdfunding


For the complete show notes, including all of the resources that CBM mentions on today’s show, click here. This episode is supported by Canva, a free design software used by (and loved!) by both Alli & CBM. 

Download the Food Biz Wiz Listener Guide and make the most out of our 250 episode library! Get our curated playlists of top episodes on sales pitches, wholesale buyers, founder mindset, marketing, and more. Fast track your learning by downloading our free Listener Guide HERE.


Today’s episode is all about launching and executing successful crowdsourcing campaigns. Join my guest, Courtney Boyd Myers (CMB) as she shares her secrets on her most recent successful Kickstarter for her kelp jerky brand, Akua. In today’s show, CMB covers:


  • How to determine whether or not crowdsourcing is right for your brand
  • Her steps to planning & launching your campaign
  • Why the first 24 hours of your campaign are the most important
  • The most common mistakes she sees food businesses make as they wrap up their crowdfunding


For the complete show notes, including all of the resources that CBM mentions on today’s show, click here. This episode is supported by Canva, a free design software used by (and loved!) by both Alli & CBM.