Dr. Ned Hallowell's Wonderful World of Different: ADHD and Beyond

I am excited to announce my new podcast, Dr. Hallowell’s Wonderful World of Different. I will be talking with people who live to the beat of a differ…
May 17th, 2022 | 22:44

The Wonderful World of Terry Matlen

In today's episode, Dr. Hallowell introduces an exciting new guest, Terry Matlen. Terry's personal experience is extensive, as she has not only lived with ADHD, but raised a daughter with it, and helped tens of thousands of women struggling with it. She currently has 36,000 followers on her Facebook page dedicated to helping women with ADHD. Terry finds that the best textbook for learning and leading is the experience of people with ADHD, and her Facebook page bears out this persuasion. The group developed slowly over several years as a platform for women to connect with others who understood them, and has become a thriving community of people who are able to share in a safe place and find that they are not alone.