Cocoa Pods

Podcast - Cocoa Pods Series: A feature of the BCFND Foundation Maternal Mortality Reduction Academy We discuss all issues relating to maternal mortal…
Mar 17th, 2022 | 35:39

Tired and with low energy Part 1

Dr Gupta For the season two premiere, Dr. Bola Sogade invites Dr. Raj Gupta, a Hematologist, to the Birth Center for Natural Deliveries Foundation’s very own Cocoa Pods Podcast to discuss issues with blood in pregnant women and how it could affect their lifestyle, their gestation, and their newborns. They expose how anemia arises and the molecular make up of hemoglobin. It was good to inform the audience that menstrual blood loss is most common reason for being anemic. Coming into pregnancy with anemia could produce severe iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy. In addition, when pregnant women have anemia conditions like preeclampsia, need of a blood transfusion, ICU admission during labor, and hysterectomy all have greater potential to occur. Furthermore, these blood issues increased the risk of preterm delivery (when a baby comes before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy), fetal distress, low birth weight, and lower cognitive function of the newborn do to shorten time to develop. That is why obstetricians get a baseline complete blood count and work to address any insufficiencies. Our guest gives a extended list of fruits, vegetables, and supplements that are available at your local food market that are high in iron and cofactors to promote the build up of hemoglobin and combat the deficiencies. While on the topic of eating the two respective specialists bring up a condition enacted by low iron called pica, which is characterized by the desire or craving to eat non nutritional things that humans do not normally eat. It is revealed where the body stores iron and reemphasizes the importance of coming into pregnancy as your healthiest self. After all the life of the flesh is in the blood. #Tired #Weak #Lethargic #Hematologist #Hemoglobin #Anemia #Iron #Fe #Blood #Pregnancy #Sicklecelldisease #sicklecelltrait #PICA