Cocoa Pods

Podcast - Cocoa Pods Series: A feature of the BCFND Foundation Maternal Mortality Reduction Academy We discuss all issues relating to maternal mortal…
Jul 14th, 2022 | 24:24

Though Not a Genie Part 4 That Bikini Cut

Timestamps (01:00) C-sections and breastfeeding (03:50) Initiative to reduce 1st c-section (06:00) Labor curve and tracing (12:10) Why do minority women have more c-sections (16:22) Profit of c-sections (19:55) Final advice This concluding Part 4 of That Bikini Cut with Dr. MaryJoy Weathersby includes three major topics. First, Dr. Weathersby discusses breastfeeding after a caesarian section. With c-sections, there is a lag in the peak production of breast milk due to the nature of the surgery. If a mother elects to breastfeed, it is attempted as soon as mom is in recovery and mom and baby are both stable. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists prefers vaginal delivery when possible. There is an initiative to reduce the first c-section due to the higher chance of subsequent c-sections. There are times, however, when tracing is not good and the risk of infection during prolonged labor is higher than the risk of a caesarian section. Additionally, Dr. Sogade and Dr. Weathersby discuss the issue of minority women having more c-sections than white women. Some minority women face the issue of not being listened to or taken seriously in the medical setting. Another factor involves profit. The cost of c-sections is almost double of an uncomplicated vaginal birth, and some hospitals take advantage of this. Dr. MaryJoy Weathersby leaves listeners with encouragement to come in with their desires but also listen to their doctor when there are medical reasons for doing something different. #obgyn #csesction #caesariansection #acog #labor #delivery #breastfeeding #laborcurve #womenshealth