Cocoa Pods

Podcast - Cocoa Pods Series: A feature of the BCFND Foundation Maternal Mortality Reduction Academy We discuss all issues relating to maternal mortal…
May 27th, 2021 | 27:40

What exactly does my teenager understand about sex Part 1 - Erin Owens

Timestamps (01:20) Lavender scare (02:10) Feminist method of eating order treatment (03:00) Adolescent sexuality (05:00) Comprehensive sex education (08:08) Consent (09:25) Benefits and pitfalls of abstinence only sex ed (14:54) Empowered by sex ed information (15:50) Bills and legislative effects (20:45) Prevalence of abstinence only (25:25) Erin Owens’ interest in law Is checking out school sex ed class really a way to get out of math class ? Previously teenagers themselves,Kirsten Wilder and Erin Owens felt school education on sex health could be delivered in a manner that connected better with the target audience- the teenagers and they did something about high school #abstinenceonly #teenpregnancy #pregnantandyoung #SIDS #adolescentsexuality # sexeducation #lavenderscare @erinowens @kirstenwilder