Cocoa Pods

Podcast - Cocoa Pods Series: A feature of the BCFND Foundation Maternal Mortality Reduction Academy We discuss all issues relating to maternal mortal…
Feb 23rd, 2023 | 37:18

The eyes change too in pregnancy ?

Dr Mona Patel Doctor of Optometry (OD) in the Panama City Beach, Florida area explains about vision changes with the hormonal changes of pregnancy. She starts off talking about the commoner changes that happen. Then she talks about how high blood pressure can affect the eyes and what long time diabetics must know. She answers some questions for us: have you seen complete blindness develop after a woman has her baby, right in the delivery room? What is the silent eye disease? And what happens to your eye pressure in pregnancy? How often should I get my eyes checked by a professional? Then she discusses an aspect of her personal life in a very interesting and illuminating way #dryeyes #eyesight #galucoma #contactlens #glasses #preeclampsia #diabeticretinopathy #visionloss #blindness #scotomas #silentdisease # strabismus #cataracts #carrots #safetyglasses