Cocoa Pods

Podcast - Cocoa Pods Series: A feature of the BCFND Foundation Maternal Mortality Reduction Academy We discuss all issues relating to maternal mortal…
Jul 21st, 2022 | 24:38

The Fattening Room-Intro w/Dr Tiffany Powell-Wiley

The Fattening Room-Intro w/Dr Tiffany Powell-Wiley Timestamps (00:45) Dr. Powell-Wiley’s biographic (03:30) Research goals (05:28) Dr. Powell-Wiley’s work (11:40) Women-specific changes (13:50) Defining obesity (14:13) Challenges with obesity (16:50) Mechanisms of obesity (18:26) Prevalence of chronic diseases (21:06) Obesity and covid (22:12) Public health officials' resolutions In this episode, Dr. Bola Sogade gives an introduction to Dr. Tiffany Powell-Wiley and an in-depth overview of the upcoming series. Dr. Tiffany Powell-Wiley graduated summa cum laude from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and from Duke University School of Medicine.She completed her master’s degree in public health with a concentration in epidemiology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research focuses on the social determinants of obesity and obesity-related cardiovascular risk factors that contribute to ethnic and racial disparities. The goals of this research are further explained in the episode. Dr. Sogade discusses some of Dr. Powell-Wiley’s work and the impact it has. Many topics associated with obesity will be examined in the upcoming series, such as chronic diseases and stigmatization. Dr. Sogade touches on some of these topics in this episode, including the effects of obesity in pregnant women and public health interventions. Stay tuned for next week’s episode to learn more about these topics and many more with Dr. Tiffany Powell-Wiley! #health #womenshealth #pregnancy #obesity #cardiovascular #obgyn #chronicdisease #obesityrisks