Bio from the Bayou

Short conversations about connectivity, business development, innovation, entrepreneurship + commercialization in the Biotech Ecosystem. Originating f…
Jan 3rd, 2024 | 21:35

Episode 26: The Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (Dr. Elaine Hamm)

As the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of healthcare becomes more prevalent, an organization to convene all the relevant stakeholders has emerged. Frequent Host Elaine Hamm, PhD, joins as a podcast guest in her role as Executive Director of the Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (AAIH), the international advocacy organization dedicated to the responsible adoption and application of AI in healthcare. She highlights the many ways AI is currently being used in the healthcare space, the potential it holds, and the importance of data diversity and access in the utilization of AI. She then highlights AAIH’s recent commentaries on both the Unified Patient Record and President Biden’s Executive Order on AI, and how you can become a member of this important organization. Episode hosted by James Zanewicz, JD, LLM, RTTP.