the BigAmateurism monologues

A series of events over the last 18 months—some unforeseeable—have created a perfect storm that will change college sports forever. The NCAA's bait an…
Sep 20th, 2025 | 1:06:08

NCAA v NC State — The Cartwright Referral Letter and the NCAA’s Violation of Its Own Public Disclosure Rules (Part II)

NCAA Bylaw 19.01.3 (Public Disclosure) prohibits the public disclosure of infractions and enforcement information. This prohibition applies to both the NCAA and those the subject of an NCAA investigation. In May and June of 2019¬—before the NCAA served Notices of Allegations on NC State and former NC State basketball coach Mark Gottfried on July 9, 2019—NCAA national office executives made public comments to ESPN and CBS Sports about the basketball-related cases. These comments were infused with bias and prejudgment. After the NCAA sent out the NOAs on July 9, Gottfried’s attorney publicly questioned the NCAA’s interpretation of its new Importation Rule, and NC State released investigative materials in response to a public records request. These public disclosures were the subject of two referral criteria: “Actual or Perceived Misconduct by the Involved Parties” and “Breaches of Confidentiality.” Cartwright defended the NCAA’s public comments as appropriate without referencing or citing Bylaw 19.01.3. However, for NC State and Gottfried, the NCAA specifically cited Bylaw 19.01.3 and alleged violations of that bylaw. This episode discusses the remainder of Cartwright’s referral letter and the NCAA’s obsession with its public image under Mark Emmert’s leadership.